Featurette: "The Happiest Days of Your Life"

The amount of effort that goes into putting on a theatre production is incredible. Directing, producing, set design, props, lighting, sound, costumes, makeup...and we haven't even mentioned the actors yet. Though this is the first year we've been a part of West Point Grey Academy's annual play, it's immediately apparent that there is a very talented group of people dedicated to its success.

This year, West Point Grey Academy chose John Dighton's farce "The Happiest Days of Your Life". We're currently producing the full video that encompasses all three acts of the production, but in the meantime enjoy this behind-the-scenes look.

The amount of effort that goes into putting on a the­atre pro­duc­tion is incred­i­ble. Direct­ing, pro­duc­ing, set design, props, light­ing, sound, cos­tumes, makeup…and we haven’t even men­tioned the actors yet. Though this is the first year we’ve been a part of West Point Grey Acad­emy’s annual play, it’s imme­di­ately appar­ent that there is a very tal­ented group of peo­ple ded­i­cated to its success. This year, West Point Grey Acad­emy chose John Dighton’s farce “The Hap­pi­est Days of Your Life”. We’re cur­rently pro­duc­ing the full video that encom­passes all three acts of the pro­duc­tion, but in the mean­time enjoy this behind-the-scenes look. A spe­cial thank you to Jai Mathur’s mother, Roma Sumra, for intro­duc­ing me to Ali Mar­gulius, the Pro­ducer for this show. As a long-time friend of the fam­ily, I can’t help but admire how Jai has grown indi­vid­u­ally and aca­d­e­m­i­cally while at West Point Grey Acad­emy. Key Ven­dors: Videog­ra­phy: Vin­cent + Theo Stu­dios www.vincentandtheo.ca Venue: Nor­man Roth­stein Theatre www.normanrothsteintheatre.com

A special thank you to Jai Mathur's mother, Roma Sumra, for introducing me to Ali Margulius, the Producer for this show. As a long-time friend of the family, I can't help but admire how Jai has grown individually and academically while at West Point Grey Academy.

Key Vendors:

Videography: Vincent + Theo Studios

Venue: Norman Rothstein Theatre